Show Recap: Cigarettes After Sex - Local Wolves


Cigarettes After Sex — Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, CA — August 18, 2023

During a stormy night in Los Angeles, Cigarettes After Sex took the stage at the Greek Theatre. The gloomy weather was a perfect backdrop for this moody, magical, and emotional show. At the start of every song, fans screamed with excitement to hear another incredible piece of music. Black and white images of the ocean, moon, and fire were projected behind the band. Cigarettes After Sex’s collection of music flows together in such a way that its slow ambience transports you to another world. Lovers, friends, and fans swayed back and forth to the dark romantic movie scene we all found ourselves a part of that night. There is something so “Sweet” about their music, it reminds you of falling in love for the first time. It takes you back to a time of young nostalgic memories of making out in cars parked in front of the beach. The background noise of the ocean and Cigarettes After Sex softly playing on the stereo.

Words & Photography: Jenny Markham

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