Photography by Ashley Yu" /> WOLFIE EXCLUSIVE: EIGHTY NINETY - Local Wolves Photography by Ashley Yu" />


We had the wonderful opportunity to debut an exclusive video by Eighty Ninety live at Degraw Sound of their newly release EP, Elizabeth. We chatted with the band about their inspiration behind the video, their song choice to perform and our photographer, Ashley Yu captured some behind the scenes from the show, which we all know you’ll love. Don’t forget to share this awesome video to your friends who need some cool new 2017 tunes in their playlist, Eighty Ninety is no exception!

What was the inspiration and story behind this video?

EN — We wanted an opportunity to meet and thank some of the people who have been supporting us and listening to our music, and had the idea to play a secret show at the recording studio where we made our debut EP, Elizabeth. We posted about the idea on Instagram and our fifteen available slots filled up really quickly. Everyone involved in setting up the show and making the video — from the studio owner to the video director — has been a longtime friend and colleague. It felt like an informal EP release party, and it’s really cool for us to have a memento from this part of the band’s evolution.

Why did you choose this song to create a music video with?

EN — We tried to make our EP as cohesive as possible and really tell a story —  musically as well as narratively. We decided to release the full performance (rather than one song at a time) because we like the idea of people experiencing the whole set of songs together in the live setting.

What was the hardest thing about putting this video together? What was the easiest?

EN — We had about three days to make this happen and weren’t sure it was going to! But our friends really pulled through for us — especially Ben Rice, the owner of the studio and Gabe Reuben, a really talented filmmaker.What can fans expect to see from you next? We’re working on our first full-length and planning a lot of shows. Our next is January 31st at Rockwood Music Hall’s Stage 2 in NYC.

Where can our readers purchase/listen or learn more about your music?

EN — Check us out on Spotify here!

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