Show Recap: The In His Mania Tour - Local Wolves


Spencer Sutherland — Constellation Room in Santa Ana, CA — March 21, 2023

On Thursday night, anxious fans packed into the Constellation Room in Santa Ana to await Spencer Sutherland’s In His Mania tour stop. This particular stop was, in fact, so long awaited that it happened to be the first stop that sold out as soon as the tour was announced. The energy was palatable amongst the crowd and only grew as the crew started transforming the stage for Spencer. Though the Constellation Room is known to offer quite a small stage, Sutherland and crew saved no expense to transform it into something reminiscent of Studio 54 with a giant glowing star and multiple color platforms for the artist to stand on. 

After what must have seemed like ages for the adoring fans, the lights finally dimmed, the smog machine started going at full blast, and the band began to play. Sutherland then took his place at center stage, belting out only a note he would be capable of hitting while decked out in a full jumpsuit adorned with colorful stars. He looked at home within seconds of stepping on stage and spent the rest of the evening hypnotizing the crowd with his incredible voice and dance moves. His energy was outstanding as he delivered song after song and had fans dancing, singing and vibing along. 

Spencer Sutherland is an unmissable act and if you have the opportunity to see him in a city near you, don’t think twice! 

Words & Photography: Ana Oquendo

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