Garden of Eden - Local Wolves


Perspectives submission by photographer, Shanny Grace: “These images were captured at the most magical garden, grown at their meadow in New Zealand. Eden is a tattoo artist/painter and Seth is an arborist who grows a food forest. Surrounded by beautiful florals and lush banana trees, we captured their love for each other and their passion for the Earth. We wanted to keep the organic theme throughout and so all clothes featured are thrifted from a local vintage store. The meadow flowers glow at golden hour and so does Eden. Showcasing her stunning feminine side, she fills each frame with pure creative essence. She flows so naturally that you can feel the beauty and warmth in each photo. The garden is truly heaven on earth and an artist called Eden lives there.”

Photography: Shanny Grace

Creative Direction: Eden Moana Taingahue & Shanny Grace

Words, Makeup & Styling: Eden Moana Taingahue

Models: Eden Moana Taingahue & Seth De Beer Smith

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