Liquid Sunshine - Local Wolves

Photo by Alice Briccola

Perspectives submission by photographer, Alice Briccola: “The pandemic was a real turning point for me. After a period that, for me, felt like eternity, I started to be incredibly grateful and appreciative of all of the little things that this world was handing me. In this moment, I picked up my camera again and, every time I felt happy, I took a picture as a reminder that, for as many horrible moments, days and years, life is also filled with great ones. Happiness, for me, can be described as many things and this collection of pictures proves it: it can be the sight of a beautiful landscape or of an everyday scenario, a peaceful summer morning with the person you love or a frenetic afternoon with a friend. And now, I don’t know what life has planned for me, but I know that I only have to look through my camera to find a bit of joy.”

Photography by Alice Briccola

Featured: Simone Pastori, Chiara de Ceglia, Leonardo Guidi, Anna Isman, Federica Fortini

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